My Dad..
B- Blue.. Every since I was little, I have always liked the color blue because that was his favorite color.
R- Read.. I work graveyards. The first thing I do when I pull up to my house is look for my dad's truck, if it's there, I look for the light on in the basement. I almost always find my dad reading his scriptures in the morning. We take a few minutes to chit chat.. He'll ask me how work went and I'll head to bed. Those few minutes always mean a lot to me.
A- Admirable.. My dad is the kind of person that people look at and go "wow".. He has so many admirable qualities that anyone would be proud to have.
D- Doer.. My dad is a doer. He is a go getter and has always expected great things out of me. Sometimes when I walk out the door to work he says "Go save a life.." I always chuckle because let's be honest, it's usually swabbing a fighting 10 year old for strep or waking someone up at 3 AM to grab a blood pressure. But in my dad's eyes, I'm out saving lives. He expects great things out of life. And he's achieved a lot of great things.
:) I love my dad and I miss him very much. 2 years ago, I was on Heritage Tours on Fathers Day.. I cried all day. I asked my HT "Dad" if I could use my cell to call my dad at my first stop, it was about 7 AM, I knew he'd be up. He was up and making Sunday breakfast for the family. Pretty sure I'd of sat in bed and expected it there. I love you dad.. Thanks for everything :)
Megaroo :) ha.
Aww. Meg, that is a neat tribute to your father. Glad we know him!